German Analog Photography Group shows pictures of Max


The German Anaolog Photography Group (APHOG) shows works from Max Stolzenberg.

The pictures will hopefully sweeten your life with some summer feelings.

We are very proud to be featured for the second time in this important analog photography online magazine.



The APHOG regularly shows pictures of some of the finest photographers around.
We encourage you to go to their site and read some of their posts. You won’t regret it.

Max was already interviewed by the APHOG last year. If you missed this post go here or read it directly on the APHOG site.



Souvenirs d’un Printemps


The first rays of spring sunshine beckon and Max has invited Kia-Kirsch and Lycil to a very special romantic weekend.
Both are to be seen in a real film clip for the first time.

The premiere will take place on 5.13.2021 at 21:00 CET on Youtube and we invite everyone to watch this wonderful romantic film, which is accompanied by the instrumental piece “Emotion” by Francis Lai.



But that’s not all the interesting news!
Olivier Mathieu and Roland Jaccard are both coming out with a new release.

Olivier’s next book is called “The children of the afternoons (Les enfants des Aprems)” and is dedicated to Roland Jaccard.

Those “children of the afternoons” are Oliver when he was young, little Gabriel who died in December 2019 (see our article “another ship of sunshine”), and a young girl who is probably the real hero of this book…

Here you can read what the author himself says about his latest work.


The Children of the Afternoons (Les Enfants des Aprems)

 Sometimes, in life, almost unimaginable events occur.

This has happened to me quite often during my hectic life, but I could not have known that on April 8, 2021, the most unimaginable of all the unimaginable events of my life would turn out to be.

Struck in the heart, I have just written a small book, a very small book, certainly the book I wrote the fastest (in less than a fortnight), my most essential book. And if my friend the jew writer Roland Jaccard was recently kind enough to write that my book « Ma petite bande de jeunes filles en fleurs » (My little band of young girls in bloom) was « a masterpiece », I don’t know what he will say about my new book, which will be only a few dozen pages long (I still don’t know the exact number). The best of everything I’ve written, I think.

I therefore announce that a new book of me has just left for the printing press, that it is called The Children of the Afternoons (Les Enfants des Aprems: aprem being naturally the afternoon apocope and defining the happiest period of my life, my childhood).
It is a book that will be written in French, of course, but with passages in english). It was inspired by the woman of my life. The Children of the Afternoons (this is the main title, but there will also be a sub-title) will consist of twelve short chapters. A book of suffering and joy, when these two terms lose all meaning, that suffering is joy, and joy suffering.

The themes of the book? The distance in time and space, before the definitive distance from death. Love, entropy and aporia.



It should also be noted that Roland Jaccard (who collaborated with an unpublished text in Olivier Mathieu’s book “Ma petite bande de jeunes filles en fleurs”) has just published a huge book, “Le monde d’avant”, his diary of the 1980s, published by Serge Safran. The book has already been listed on the left-wing newspaper Libération, on the right-wing newspaper Le Point, and on Olivier Mathieu’s blog.

Here is what the publisher tells us about Roland Jaccard and his new book

A l’âge de 26 ans, Roland Jaccard est engagé par le journal Le Monde pour y tenir la rubrique psychanalytique : c’était dans les années soixante.

Tout semblait alors possible. Même qu’un jeune Lausannois puisse occuper un poste aussi convoité. Il se trouve qu’au début des années quatre-vingt il se lie à une jeune fille de dix-sept ans, rencontrée à la bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève. Dès lors qu’ils vécurent ensemble, il décida de tenir son journal intime.

La psychanalyse a perdu de son aura et il est déconseillé aujourd’hui aux vieux mâles blancs de jouer les Pygmalions. On n’en découvrira donc qu’avec plus de curiosité “Le Monde d’avant” dans ce journal écrit avec une forme de spontanéité jubilatoire.

Go here to get a copy of the book! 




Max also did some beautiful still photography of Kia and Lycil during the film shot.
It will take some time until the pictures are developed, but they will soon be available from us.

The pictures on our site are available in different sizes and strictly limited to 300 copies.
Each picture is autographed by the Max Stolzenberg himself, titled and dry stamped to ensure originality.

The pictures in this article have not been published before and it is still possible to get hold of the number 1 of 300 prints.

Pictures can be ordered here.

Just let Bilitis know which picture you want to buy and which size you want and she will arrange everything for you.

Prices and sizes can be found on our shop page.

We also highly recommend to visit sour atelier. Here you can convince yourself of the high quality, painting like, pictures and the wonderful workmanship of our limited prints.

Max uses only analog cameras and genuine film for his artwork!


Once Upon a Time in France

The months and years of restrictions drag on, but no power in the world can stop Max and the girls from doing what they love!

Today we celebrate David Hamilton’s birthday and to mark the occasion Max has released a brand new video with some pictures from the last few months.

We hope you will enjoy it!


We also invite you to visit the blog of Olivier Mathieu, who recently published his new book “Another sip of Sunshine”.

There is also an article on his site in honour of David Hamilton, with some of his most beautiful photographs.



As always the pictures in the video and on our site are available in different sizes and strictly limited to 300 copies.
Each picture is autographed by the Max Stolzenberg himself, titled and dry stamped to ensure originality.

Some of the pictures have not been published before and it is still possible to get hold of the number 1 of 300 prints.

Pictures can be ordered here.

Just let Bilitis know which picture you want to buy and which size you want and she will arrange everything for you.

Prices and sizes can be found on our shop page.

We also highly recommend to visit sour atelier. Here you can convince yourself of the high quality, painting like, pictures and the wonderful workmanship of our limited prints.

Max uses only analog cameras and genuine film for his artwork!


Another Sip of Sunshine


Olivier Mathieu is coming up with a new book that has sprung from his talented pen.

Our atelier will receive some of the fresh printed books soon!



And here is the official announcement:

Olivier Mathieu’s next book, “Another Sip of Sun,” 76 pages, should be available in about two or three weeks. It will contain 16 illustrations by various photographers, including three by the author and three by Max Stolzenberg. As for the cover, there is a photograph of the handprint of poor Gabriel, a tiny child who died on 11 December 2019 of brain cancer. The book “Another Sip of Sunshine” is intended as a testament to a civilization, at a time of dramatic planetary situation and ever-increasing restrictions on freedoms that, until yesterday, were still considered fundamental freedoms of the human person. The book also contains some dense and deep pages devoted to the great British photographer David Hamilton, as well as the American actress Dawn Dunlap.



What we already can say ist that the story of Dawn and David has been very well researched and the book comes up with a lot of information that can’t be found anywhere else. We are also proud that three of Max pictures are featured.

The following excerpt translated into English will give you a short insight into the book.
Be aware that the book is written in French.

From the credits of the film Laura the Shadows of Summer, it is specified: after a story written by David Hamilton. What does this film tell us? The devouring passion born between a sculptor and a teenage girl, daughter of one of his former mistresses (Maud Adams, in the film).

Malcolm Thomson, one of the producers of Laura the Shadows of summer, wrote to me proudly that he was the one who met Dawn Dunlap in 1977. In his e-mail of January 10, 2017, Malcolm Thomson told me that “Dawn Dunlap’s name first appeared in (her) diary on February 10, 1977.” I had answered him by playing false naivety: hadn’t David Hamilton and Dawn Dunlap done pictures together before? Answer by Malcolm Thomson, February 20, 2017: I would have known if Dawn had been photographed by David in 1976. And I do not think she lived inParis for three years with her parents. My recall is that the first shots were made a year before the Laura filming.
 Malcolm Thomson was clearly unaware that his friend David Hamilton had revealed that he was photographing Dawn Dunlap as early as 1976. It is established, which is amply confirmed by the countless images that were published from these 1976 photo shoots, which David took Dawn to the Bahamas when she was twelve years old.
David Hamilton had wanted to film, alone, the sex scene of Laura the Shadows of summer. There had been only the three of them. He’s the filmmaker. His great friend James Mitchell, a member of Nina Ricci’s family. And, of course, Dawn Dunlap. It is in Laura’s sex scene that David Hamilton’s fate has arguably reached its highest artistic and human peak. The result is an absolutely prodigious abyss. Never, I say never, cinema and reality had ever been so brilliantly mixed. What a game of mirrors! What an art of recursiveness! 
In 2017 I published, on the cover of my book The Portrait of Dawn Dunlap, two strictly unpublished photographs of the young American actress. Parisian images, at the end of 1979, in the apartment where she lived in the twelfth arrondissement of Paris, Boulevard de la Bastille. Its windows overlooked the marina of the Arsenal harbour.
For the emotions that his photographs had spread abounding on me in my youth, I had a debt to David Hamilton. I am proud to have done so. David Hamilton and I loved the same girl.
David Hamilton was an immense poet of exquisite sensitivity. At the same time, in a fundamental and famous interview with Photo magazine in 1974, he called his fellow photographers whore and sent the fuckers he called “the forty-year-old grandmothers with mid-thigh skirts”. He spoke clearly. Sensitive, lucid and cursed. That was David Hamilton. Only the superior knows how and why the meeting of appearances translates, exposes and disguises, steals and embodies the essence of things. David Hamilton’s photographs had an ontological consistency. He was photographing his own life. He was telling his memories. David Hamilton: a permanent F*K* YOU to the world. He was also a tenderness-hungry man who systematically chose the worst women and the most dubious of friends. What’s the reason? Because, out of arrogance, he always wanted to be more than he already was: immense. But this, his humility forbade him to understand it.

He had never been able to accept that girls were getting older. I never put up with it either.

Max was a young boy when he first met the grandmaster of light and colors in the eighties, a couple of years after the cinematographic appearance of Dawn. It was just before Max won his first major photographic competition at the age of 10 and the stile of 70’s and 80’s photography is reflected in his pictures until today. Max remembers this times as exceptionally beautiful and full of freedom. Times that seem to be far away today in a world of growing totalitarianism and restrictions where free speech has long been supplanted by political correctness.

The book will be available from us (just write to Bilitis to order your copy) and can also be ordered directly from Olivier Mathieu.
We strongly recommend reading this publication!

An Evening At The Etang


Once again we celebrate the anniversary of the death of photographer David Hamilton, to whom Max owes much.

Max used to regularly show his pictures to the grand master of light and both worked on new methods to improve the style of  romantic photography.

The following pictures have been shot in the beautiful South of France on real genuine film, the same way and with the same camera David used in the 1970’s.

Our special thanks go to Bilits, Stella and Yuna, who where fantastic models with the perfect feeling for the scene.

The text and poem below the pictures were provided by Olivier Mathieu.

They match perfectly with the pictures of Max and honour David Hamilton

Please click on the image to enlarge.


[pp_gallery id=”2233″ style-id=”968d5920-f476-465b-ba5f-92ed32cfc651″] 

David Hamilton starb am 25. November 2016. Wir werden Ihn nicht vergessen. Er war der große Meister des größten Geheimnisses, des weiblichen Geheimnisses. Hier ist ein Gedicht für David Hamilton und über das weibliche Mysterium.

David Hamilton est mort le 25 novembre 2016. Nous sommes quelques-uns à ne pas l’oublier. Il fut le grand maître du plus grand des mystères, le mystère féminin. Voici un poème pour David Hamilton et sur le mystère féminin.

David Hamilton died on November 25, 2016. We will not forget him. He was the great master of the greatest of mysteries, the feminine mystery. Here is a poem for David Hamilton and about the feminine mystery.

David Hamilton è morto il 25 novembre 2016. Alcuni di noi non lo dimenticano. Era il grande maestro del più grande dei misteri, il mistero femminile. Ecco una poesia per David Hamilton e sul mistero femminile.

Le mystère, infini, cède ou échappe en l’une

Ou l’autre, et se reforme: ainsi, quête d’exil.

Qu’il s’éloigne ou se donne au soleil, à la lune,

C’était moi, le mystère: aussi m’en souvient-il.

Telle fut ma recherche: amoureux des prisons,

Amant de liberté, poète ivre d’images,

Funambule fendant l’orage outre horizon

Et la boucle est bouclée, à la fin le naufrage.

Peut-être n’y eut-il ici aucun mystère

Autre que celui peint derrière mes paupières.

Au sein du temps donné, combien de moments ronds?

Combien de leurs échos chanteront les colombes?

Combien gésiront morts, étendus sous leurs tombes?

Sous leurs tombes, combien étendus gésiront?


Olivier Mathieu, blog en défense de David Hamilton:


The mystery, infinite, gives way or escapes in one of them.

Or the other, and reformed: thus, a quest for exile.

Whether he moves away or gives himself to the sun, to the moon,

I was the mystery: that’s why I remember it.

That was my search: prison lovers,

Lover of freedom, poet drunk with images,

Tightrope walker splitting the thunderstorm beyond the horizon

And the loop is closed, in the end the shipwreck.

Perhaps there was no mystery here.

Other than the one painted behind my eyelids.

Within a given time, how many round moments?

How many of their echoes will the doves sing?

How many will lie dead under their graves?


As always the pictures in the video and on our site are available in different sizes and strictly limited to 300 copies.
Each picture is autographed by the Max Stolzenberg himself, titled and dry stamped to ensure originality.

Some of the pictures have not been published before and it is still possible to get hold of the number 1 of 300 prints.

Pictures can be ordered here.

Just let Bilitis know which picture you want to buy and which size you want and she will arrange everything for you.

Prices and sizes can be found on our shop page.

We also highly recommend to visit sour atelier. Here you can convince yourself of the high quality, painting like, pictures and the wonderful workmanship of our limited prints.

Max uses only analog cameras and genuine film for his artwork!