The second part of Romances d’Été, a video made by Max Stolzenberg in honour of his friend and mentor David Hamilton. This clip contains some of the most romantic nude shots ever done by Max. All photos have been made with David Hamiltons famous Minolta SRT-101 and X-700 analog camera, now in possession of Max.
“Romances d’Été part II” will be published on Sunday the 28th. of January 2024 on Youtube.
We suggest to enjoy the clip with a good glass of Champagne, wine or Cognac amongst your friends!
Have a lot of pleasure with Max Stolzenberg’s romantic photography.
As the weather is still too cold for this time of the year we decided to raise the temperatures with some new, red hot pictures.
There is a lot going on this year and Max is already preparing to welcome the most beautiful Jeune Filles in France.
But for now we leave you alone with these new pictures and a beautiful poem written by Olivier Mathieu.
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Les amours ont vieilli et les amis sont morts,
Trop nombreux les amours où manqua tout amour
Mais voilà que surgit au fond de ma mémoire
L’image des sommeils au temps de mon enfance,
Le reste ne fut rien, dans les bras de ma mère.
Et défilent mes morts au revers des nuages
Et se posent sur moi les yeux irrésistibles
Et de larmes noyés en un pacte échangé.
C’est les yeux de mon chien, c’est les yeux de mes maîtres,
La nuit était profonde et lourd le conformisme
Et j’ai feint de trahir pour ne jamais trahir.
J’entends encor sonner le concert du triangle
Et c’est l’odeur des foins, l’acier brille au soleil,
C’est les yeux des enfants morts à l’âge de l’ange.
Que m’absolvent mes morts, que le ciel pleure en pluie,
Que les instants d’antan au bel arc-en-ciel brillent.
L’enfance se fait proche, j’en reviens au principe.
Il sera toujours bref, le temps des jupes courtes.
Je voudrais pas crever avant l’été prochain.
All pictures are available in different sizes and strictly limited to 300 copies.
Each picture is autographed by the Max Stolzenberg himself, titled and dry stamped to ensure originality.
Some of the pictures on this site have never been published before and it might still be possible to get hold of the number 1 of 300 prints.
We also highly recommend to visit sour atelier. Here you can convince yourself of the high quality, painting like, pictures and the wonderful workmanship of our limited prints.
Max uses only analog cameras and genuine film for his artwork!
Today we will fight the boredom of your isolation with a good shot of literature, a small video of a very interesting man and of course a lot of beautiful girls.
Do you know Roland Jaccard?
The Swiss writer?
Not only did he write books like “The Inner Exile”, “Freud” and “The Madness”, (yes, you’re right, he is a psychologist) which are also in Max’s library by the way, but he is also a big fan of Dawn Dunlap, the actress who played the role of Laura in “Laura, Shadows of a Summer” by David Hamilton.
Visit Roland Jaccard’s blog or read his column in the magazine “Causeur” and enjoy his refreshingly sarcastic, cynical and often nihilistic world view.
He also has a YouTube channel where another of his short videos has just been published.
Although it’s not easy to take pictures of beautiful girls these days, Max has managed to get a real beauty in front of the lens.
Stella, so her name, was already planned for Max’s trip to Florence together with Manouk and Bilitis. But unfortunately, as everyone can imagine, this trip, which would have resulted in some really extraordinary pictures, had to be cancelled.
So we are left with only a few pictures that were taken during a first test shooting with Max.
We don’t want to withhold these pictures from you as a further measure against possible boredom or even depressions caused by isolation.
You can be sure that these are not the last pictures of Stella!
Olivier Mathieu has written a very interesting book about Dawn Dunlap.
As we can see, this beautiful woman has obviously stayed in the minds of many men (and certainly also some women) until today.
Read here on the page of Olivier Mathieu and order his novel about Dawn Dunlap against the boredom of isolation.
It is also recommended to watch her film “Laura, shadows of a summer”, directed by David Hamilton.
Dawn Dunlap by Olivier Mathieu
“Reflections” was shot by Max just a couple of days ago while strolling through the meadows and woods together with Bilitis and Stella.
Max says:
“I hope you enjoyed today’s article on my blog. Read in the books of Roland Jaccard and Olivier Mathieu and if you like my pictures order one or the other of them for your home and let yourself be carried away into a world of beauty and romantic dreams. You will be surprised how good that feels. By the way, Stella is not only very pretty but also an extraordinary interesting personality. I am already very much looking forward to dedicate a really large photo gallery to her.
All pictures you see here can be ordered now. As always on best paper and of course personally titled, numbered and signed by me.
And since we are celebrating David Hamilton’s birthday today, we are giving a 15% discount on every order placed until April 15th at 23:59 (UTC+2).
Many of our subscribers have asked us when the second part of “Memories of an unforgettable Summer” will be finished.
Now the time has finally come. You can look forward to the premiere on Youtube next Sunday, 16.2.2020 at 20:15 MEZ.
In the meantime, Max is already preparing his next adventures.
This much is already known, there will be a reunion with Manouk this year and Bilitis and Yuna have already agreed to visit Max for the summer.
Until then sit back, pour a good glass of wine and enjoy the pictures of Max Stolzenberg in his latest video!
As always the pictures in the video and on our site are available in different sizes and strictly limited to 300 copies.
Each picture is autographed by the Max Stolzenberg himself, titled and dry stamped to ensure originality.
Some of the pictures have not been published before and it is still possible to get hold of the number 1 of 300 prints.
We also highly recommend to visit sour atelier. Here you can convince yourself of the high quality, painting like, pictures and the wonderful workmanship of our limited prints.
Max uses only analog cameras and genuine film for his artwork!